I am honored to be writing my first blog for 'beards of Hollywood'. Luggage and I go way back and when he told me about this I was psyched to have the opportunity to write for him. In my first of what will be a weekly installment I will be writing about the great beards in DIRECTORIAL Hollywood history. My first (and second) installment will focus on two men who changed most of our lives...
Their movies need no introduction (however, what fun would that be...)
American Graffiti, Jaws, Star Wars, THX 1138, Duel, Indiana Jones, 1941, Saving Private Ryan, Willow, Radioland Murders (seriously?!), E.T., Jurassic Park, A.I., War of the Worlds, Amistad, Color Purple, Empire of the Sun, Close Encounters of the Third Kind... Should I go on? I think not...
Mr. George Lucas and Mr. Steven Spielberg.
LOOK at those beards!!! MEN of MEN!!
No matter what atrocities they have done to your childhood real or imaginary, those two are facial hair masters with visions some directors cream themselves at night dreaming about. Lest we mention that THOSE men know how to rock the facial landscape!! Full framed and righteous... Both remain masters of the craft to this day.
Both men are still working to this day. George when not f-ing around remastering our childhood and producing more Indiana Jones hijink is taking his sweet ass time with his Tuskegee Airmen film staring direct to DVD 'stache wearing Cuba Gooding, JR. AND Oscar nominated 'stache afficinado Terrance Howard titled Red Tails and his often mentioned (little progress that we know of) Star Wars- made for TV show (coming someday to a 1080i signal near you.)
While, Speilberg can't stop being the create wizard we all love- with titles like Lincoln (rumors of Liam Neisen in the title role), Tin-Tin with another BOH article waiting to happen Peter Jackson, and MUCH more this man is a true force to this day!
The boy in me can't wait to see what 's next for both the bearded man in me says... Wait what about that last Indiana Jones film... (As a side I loved and hated it... Aliens were fine with me I mean do you really believe there is an Ark that will melt your face -or- a man who can pull out your still beating heart... if so you should really check your reality meter at the door folks).
Volume III - Stanley Kubrick coming soon.
More to come... Super E